Cyberspace is my home, digital bohemianism my style!
Christoph Stähli, born on 26. Sept. 1982
lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland.
Christoph Stähli studied New Media (BA) and Fine Arts (MA) at the Universitiy of the Arts Zurich, ZHdK. His interest lies in the broad scientific field of media technologies and their applications in artist based practices. He developed content and software for the 3d LED display NOVA of ETH Zurich. As a member of the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society SGMK he's giving workshops and is co-organizer of the diy*-festival. Since 2015 he is working as software developer with palmbeach interactive GmbH.
Christoph Stähli hat an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, ZHdK, Neue Medien (BA) und Fine Arts (MA) studiert. Sein Interesse gilt dem Forschungsgebiet der Medientechnologien und deren Anwendungen in der künstlerischen Praxis. Er entwickelte Applikationen und Inhalte für das 3D LED Display NOVA der ETH Zürich. Als Mitglied der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Mechatronische Kunst SGMK gibt er regelmässig Workshops und ist Co-Organisator des diy*-Festivals. Seit 2015 arbeitet er als Software Entwickler bei palmbeach interactive GmbH.
- 2015 Werkbeitrag Digitale Kultur Migros-Kulturprozent
- since 2022 - Software development with digris
- since 2016 - Software development with palmbeach
- since 2019 - Research associate at Institute for Contemporary Art Research - IFCAR^ZHdK
- 2020 - Research associate at Collegium Helveticum
- 2015 - Freelancing in the field of Media & Technology
- 2013 - 2016 - Research associate at Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology - ICST^ZHdK
- 2009 - 2013 - Freelancing at ZAAK
- 2013 - Master of Arts in Fine Arts - Zurich University of the Arts
- 2008 - 2012 - Content creation und development of the 3d display "NOVA" - ETH Zurich & horao
- 2008 - Research Associate at Cast - ZHdK | IT support at Bachelor of Arts in Art Education - ZHdK
- 2008 - Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts with a specialization in Media Arts - Zurich University of the Arts
- 2006 - Founding of the Swiss Mechatronic Art Society SGMK
- 2003 - 2005 - Studies in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at EPFL Lausanne / ETH Zurich
- since 1998 - Monthly Radio Show on Kanal K / SlackJackerz
Travels: Indonesia (Yogyakarta), USA (New York, Boston, San Francisco), Iceland, Asia (Shanghai, Singapore), Western Europe.
Selected Works
Selected Performances
- 2021: Hypernymy 2, Zurich, CH
- 2020: Hypernymy, Zurich, CH
- 2016: Kaliningrad Music Week, Kaliningrad, RU
- 2015: Synestizer, poolloop 2015, Zurich, CH
- 2013: Noisetracks, poolloop, Festival for Experimental Instruments, Zurich,
- 2013: Noisetracks, Car Parc Förrlibuckstrasse 178, Zurich
- 2011: Game of Sound, Niemandslandfestival, Baden, CH
- 2009: Game of Sound, Live show at Videostammtisch.
- 2008: Game of Sound, Live show at elektro-lux v.9.
- 2008: Game of Sound, Live show at generator #12.
Selected Workshops
- 2016: Baltic Landscapes - KOLLEKTIV residency, Kaliningrad. Awarded by prohelvetia.
- 2011: diy power / makeaway - cellsbutton#5, Yogyakarta. Awarded by prohelvetia.
- 2011: diy makeaway - Wäscherei, Zurich.
- 2010: diy makeaway - ISEA, Dortmund.
- 2010: LED guezli workshop - Dock 18, Zurich.
- 2009: diy makeaway - Tweakfest, Zurich.
- 2009: diy makeaway - bug'n'play, Zurich.
- 2008: C64 workshop - Dynamo, Zurich.
- 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010: diy makeaway - Shift Festival, Basel.
Selected Exhibitions
- 2010: Media Architecture Biennale, Vienna.
- 2010: Grosse Kunstausstellung München, Munich.
- 2009: Shanghai International Science & Art Exhibition, Shangahi.
- 2008: Media Facades Festival, Berlin.
- 2008: WatchyWalkyTV on Tour.